Saturday, March 2, 2013

Gas Chamber Syndrome

Frogs on Boil with a Case of the  Gas Chamber Syndrome...
                                                                                                                                         by michael hall

Da red white and blue flying high and majestic
the clean-cut troops so young and strong fighting for their country
what a meiotic service for gold they march and perform...but for whom?
if our enemy is ferocious why do we kill their women and children over there and they never come here?

Tell me america, what afghan has ever bombed your town?
what afghan terrorist has ever broke down the door to your home terrorizing you and your family?
what afghan soldier has ever killed your sister brother son or mother by bullet bomb or drone in your own neighborhood?
why do you do to them what you came here and did so long ago so consistently?

Everyone over here supports the they would need you to believe
everyone within worships the military like it was a sinless unquestionable demi-god
everyone is expected to obediently blindly support without question
everyone in the usa needs to find out what is done in their name

Where is the Iraqi child walking the streets in his home who ever did you harm?
what Iraqi woman wondering what dreams will manifest in her life ever fired a tank shell at your town then giggled on video?
which Iraqi man has ever come over here to militarily occupy  your nation since you posses what he craves?
why did you terrorize and occupy for so many years at  the price of your soul?

For just like good german villagers in Bavaria back in 43
living oblivious to the horror in the smoke coming from the ovens just over the next hill
a white rose roared to wake up the sleep pretenders but were guillotined for daring to alight conscience
70 years later a whistleblower  here in the land of the free who did the same thing might suffer the same fate

Do you have any idea concerning the sickening suffering that your support inflicts?
do you know the numbers or the names of the dead, of the wounded, of the you even care?
i wish i could see all the names of everyone who has suffered from usa military
float down from the sky on a piece of paper on every school, on every church, every town and government office in the good ol' united states of mordor

Ah but of course you've absolved yourself of responsibility & accountability so such an act would faze few
for you've anointed yourself a good christian, an exceptional,  an indispensable city on the hill
you have an  untouchable conduct code, a civic compass & always the impeccable moral high ground
collateral residue your taxes pay for as a condolence payment & its  blood money but does it really pay?

The anguish you inflict is beyond any justification at any level for any reason
the agony of xenophobic abuse  you support with fireworks &hot dogs is a shackle & chain you must bear
the cost of your sins will reverberate through time and your nation will be synonymous with evil
the suffering you ignore is the price your kids will pay

You're  manipulated by manufactured fear
you're  dissonant frogs slowly being boiled in your own excretion
you're a battery, bled milked  cheated and above all, lied to
you're a empire of pompous consuming locust who are afflicted by the Gas Chamber Syndrome...

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