Saturday, March 2, 2013


biocentric-pantheism applying  wei wu wei
Wei-wu-wei, "the action of nonaction,
biocentrism-humans have no more value than any other life
pantheism-this universe is alive and we are all just aspects of this whole...
panspermia-this universe is seeded by seed carrying asteroids with the organic compounds to start life on places that have the basics to accept the start of life...
wu-wei-  action by nonaction...let it be, resist not evil, act by not acting
gnostic christianity

panspermia-this universe has/is/will be seeded by billions of asteroids and comets used as vessels containing organic compounds...who or what were the farmers? why?
mammonism; the pursuit of wealth and a hedonic lifestyle

1)we are, this is,  for all that you perceive and far more, one continuously in flux organism...
2)all is one, one is all and every bit from the micro to the macro is  equal to any and all
3)if one wishes to be, one needs to become...
4)bullshit is far easier for the herd to swallow than the truth is
5)one =the many
the many = the one
any quark = the greatest galaxy
it's all an illusion that you  are created
for your amusement...
6) who has the power? find the money,who has the money? find the power
7) peace is not an end. it is merely the beginning ,actually  just a prenatal step on a very long journey back to the start...
8) peace is the beginning of a long hard journey to where we should be now
9)smart? please don't insult me as such...birds are smart and as are worms  and microbes ...for they  find all that need to eat. Do they consume food laced with poison? Do they knowingly drink water that is speckled with the residue of pesticides, herbicides and antidepressants ?Do they have their own homes without selling themselves as slaves to others, without signing contracts that rape and rob, without voting on another to rule them...No i am very stupid indeed!
10) the only thing i own is the breath  i just took
11) you stand up to injustice, violence, racism, apathy, cognitive dissonance conformity, ethnic hatred, mammonism by nonviolent noncooperative confrontation...
12) if you posses nothing, no one can steal from you
if you desire nothing, everything is yours,
since everything is yours, you  need not a fence for naught
14) the mark of an immature person is one who will die nobly and with pride and honor for a cause , whereas the mature person will live humbly for  a cause
15) is our human experience aspiration here merely to consume  self-indulgently for ammonic nepotism or instead  to become altruistic in our stewardship by compassion and benevolence?
16) the hub (heart) of probity is empathy
17) violence divides (them) people whereas peace unifies (us)
18) violence weeds division while nonviolence seeds peace which breeds tranquility
19) america has always strived to bury the injustices  she commits from the past by whitewashing with the bleach of deception to sweep the truth under a rug then  plant a flag on it, while she continues the same polices today with other societies using distorted history books
20) what is religion but exploitation of an exaggeration for selfish  intention?
21) We must overthrow the oligarchy that has become a plutocracy and it doesn't matter if you think you live in a monarchy, democracy, republic or whatever anywhere and everywhere it is
the same; a few who rule the many for the benefit of those few is simply tyranny and it is not just our right but our duty to remove from power such totalitarianism and thus instill  a egalitarian system that is based on the will of the people; A PARTICAPORTY REPUBLIC...
22)if you accept the way things are, you will never see what could be

After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'. And we saw in an immense light that is God: 'something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.

apparatchik noun
1. A member of a Communist apparat.
2. An unquestioningly loyal subordinate, especially of a political leader or organization

America and her illegal immigrant criminal population have always been well-versed at distorting reality, history and their place in it...Argo is no exception. More violence worshiping, xenophobic, narcissism, etc... and if america was a person under psychological analysis it would be easily described as extremely violent sociopathic with delusions of grandeur suffering from anti-personality disorder and anti-social behavior disorder in the extreme...This is what you get when you live by yourself surrounded by a moat living in an ivory tower...·er·eign (s v r- n, s v r n). n. 1. One that exercises supreme, permanent authority, especially in a nation or other governmental unit, as: a. A king, queen, or ...
Sovereign state - Sovereignty - Sovereign - Sovereign immunity
Sovereign - Merriam-Webster Online : one possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty. b : one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere ..

The insanity of our insanity knows no bounds and that is the definition of our insanity...When the proud and brave and free smile at the fist that beats them like a puppy until they shake with fear and then say; thank you sir, may i have another', then we will have a great society that is truly a light for the free loving and pure to uphold and enjoy,under ever-tightening restraint but so free, so free as the cage walls shrinks till you can't even turn anymore to face your abuser..

Enough of this empire building we have no right to attempt, let alone afford. We are becoming the monster that  we were trying to restrain.  It's really that cut and dry.  Are we ruled by WE THE PEOPLE, who for the most part want shrinkage of the glorious expanding empire that cannot sustain itself, or are we throttled by the oligarchy, or more specifically, the plutocracy and what we say has no sway anymore?  The majority  of the proletariat do not want empire building,perpetual war against imagined and invented foes just to feed the coffers of the arms industry(Which by the way is the most corrupt and nefarious in the world).  We are people of principles and values first,world citizens second, and everything after that is an afterthought, and rather redundant....

"Hundreds of millions of dollars were lost," said Tex Hall, the current chairman of the Three Affiliated Tribes, in an interview. "It's just a huge loss and we'll never get it back." Hall, you plastic Indian We are not supposed to sell the land to be allowed to ripped apart, torn up and bled to feed a hunger that is obviously evil!! This is why we lost so much land in the first place. The whites would find a few lowlife Indians that would sell their mother for a buck and here they have....Does this nightmare never end??? To allow them to defile the land fouls everything we stand for, what our ancestors stood for and to bewail over the money is odium. Hall, your a plastic indian and a disgrace to your people, our history, our future and a monument to the mistakes we shouldn't make with the greed you process which is no less than the whites who come here. We all know now that the fossil fuels are poison and you wail not about the extracting, the usage of an evil thing but the fact you lost the money in the rape of the land! Hall, you should be sent off the land to live with the locusts in the dirty city where you belong......Dan Banks! Russell Means!Great Spirit! Help!
This 'american' mentality, this locust-like addiction as a way of life is spreading like a disease all over the world. Hedonism,Greed,mammonism, self-gratification at any cost while we foul our nest is simply nefariousism. A few years back i went to the Hopi nation all wide-eyed and hoping to see at least one nation left that had not succumbed to 'progress'. We got there just in time to see the ending of a dance and as i came out to the center, as i walked by the circle of homes, there it was, a beat-up,rusting dirty dumpster. On the ground next to it...a crumpled up coke can. Yes, i cried, i walked off and cried. i am still crying. But don't get me wrong i do not cry out the ' i am better than you because i care' syndrome No i am guilty of using and enjoying this plastic, disgusting culture too. It seems it is a virus that infects us all and most of us drive, use electricity, waste water,etc...But God, i do try, i conserve, i walk and ride as much as possible and above all i do not support war and the nefariousness of conquest and such. i am only part-blackfoot and here i am on a computer trying to justify and wash away my own sins by judging others and i wish i was 1/10 of the man i know i should be. Of course i pray, i beg for our ancestors to guide me,for Gaia to teach me and walk with me and i try my best to be an example for my kids and yet i fail...yep, here is my mp3 player, and my wireless headphones and i, just as much a phony as anyone else and still...yet.... i know better....i can't give in and i will never declare this is wonderful and progress. i endure.

One day in the near future when our children have grown much wiser than us they will live where their are no borders, no national boundaries, no empires, no nepotism, no patriotism or nationalism or other man-made diseases and they will see themselves as Socrates saw himself, as a humble world citizen no greater nor lessor than any other human being living within one global, border-less boundless human society built upon the foundation of Egalitarianism financed by selfless cooperation not selfish competition without the extremes of poverty nor its bookend; extreme wealth. Yes, i dream this, i envision this, but this day is clear to me as the air i breathe.. It is coming, it is enviable, inevitable and i hope i will help to make it happen in the days i am here....Isn't that worth striving for,living for,reaching for with a grasp that is within our reach?

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